This map is sourced from the 2011-2016 Australian Census Longitudinal Dataset (ACLD).
How to use the map
- Select a 2011 starting region, either a 'Greater capital city' or 'Rest of state', from one of the 15 map options below.
- The map will display the usual residence region for those people in 2016.
- Each 2016 region is represented by a pie chart, and shows the proportion who where employed, unemployed or not in the labour force (NILF) in 2016.
- Click on a pie chart for more information.
- Select the starting region of Greater Melbourne (map 3). These are the people who were unemployed in 2011 and were living in* Greater Melbourne.
- The map shows where these people were living in 2016.
- The pie chart surrounded by a white circle highlights the starting region, and shows a large number were again living in Greater Melbourne.
- Each pie chart shows a proportional wedge for their labour force status in 2016. For example, the dark green segment in the Greater Melbourne pie chart shows that a large proportion were employed in 2016.
- Click on the pie chart to see that 61% of those who were living in Greater Melbourne again in 2016 were employed in 2016, while 14% were unemployed in 2016.
- Click on the Greater Brisbane pie chart. This shows that 904 people who were unemployed and living in Greater Melbourne in 2011, were living in Greater Brisbane in 2016. 54% of them were employed.
* living in = usual residence. For further information, see
Census of Population and Housing: Census Dictionary (cat. no. 2901.0).
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